
Warnings with cleaning the LENOVO Screen

If in doubt, test a small area of LENOVO Y430 Screen first.

Do not use paper towels, they are made with wood fiber and can scratch the LCD screen.

Use only enough pressure to hold your cleaning wipe on the screen. NEVER press hard, scrub, or scour when cleaning an LCD screen all these actions can cause permanent damage to the screen.

Many manufacturers are recommending using either a soft, lint free dry cloth or to use a commercially available cleaning kit designed specifically for use on LCD screens. You can find a link to one such source in sources and links near the bottom of this page.

Avoid using products such as Windex because these contain ammonia, alcohol, or both and they can degrade the LCD panel.

Using a lint-free microfiber cloth is best, an "old T-shirt" or other soft cloth can introduce dust and lint which may be detrimental to the computer itself.

The single use wet/dry LCD cleaning wipes that are commercially available solve the problems mentioned above and one more not mentioned. The wet wipe is moistened with the correct amount of cleaning solution so that you cannot have drips or runs on your screen. The wipes in the kit are lint free and do not leave streaks when used according to directions. Finally, a single use wipe totally eliminates the possibility of cross contamination. This happens when a wipe or cloth is used on more than one device or is reused multiple times as is suggested above. If the cloth used for cleaning becomes contaminated in storage between cleanings, you can do permanent damage to a very expensive LCD or Plasma TV with just one wipe! For the price, the elimination of risk, and just plain old peace of mind, a single use wet/dry wipe system is by far your best choice for cleaning LCD monitors, TVs, Plasma TVs, and any LENOVO Y430 Screen.

Shut down your laptop, unplug it from the power adapter, and remove the battery before cleaning it or you risk damaging the pixels in the LCD display.

