
How To Mount the LENOVO CPU Fan

Mounting LENOVO G560 CPU Fan is a three part process: First, inspect the heat-sink/fan. Second, if you don’t have thermal paste preapplied to the heat-sink/fan combination, you will need to apply it. Third, attach the heat-sink/fan to the CPU. Many of these steps will feel familiar to someone who has extensively modded their computers. However, even veteran builders might learn some useful tips from a review.
Step one, examine the size and shape of the heat-sink/fan. If you’re not certain it will fit, you may want to carefully measure it so that length of the heat-sink/fan’s power connector will reach its corresponding connector on the motherboard. If you don’t, you may find yourself remounting the HSF, after rubbing off its thermal paste.
Step two, if you don’t have thermal paste already applied to your heat sink, you will need to add it. Application requires several steps:
Prime the heat sink and CPU surfaces: If you were to take an electron microscope and examine the surfaces of the heat sink and CPU, it would appear as an alien planet, filled with valleys and craters. You can prime each surface with thermal compound, which fills in these valleys with thermally conductive material, enhancing the flow of heat. To do so, take a microfiber cloth or coffee filter, and apply a tiny amount of thermal paste to each surface and rub until it feels smooth.
mount LENOVO G560 CPU Fan
Apply the thermal compound in one of four basic patterns, depending on the CPU: Either (1) a vertical line, (2) a horizontal line, (3) covering the surface or (4) a rice-sized dot in the center of the CPU. For more information on how-to apply thermal compound, check out Arctic Silver’s brilliant application guide. Personally, I always use a dot, regardless of the CPU type.
Keep the following tips in mind: If reusing an older heat sink, remove the thermal paste on the CPU and the heat sink using 90%+ alcohol solutions. Apply the alcohol to a lint-free wipe and use this to remove the thermal compound. I prefer using denatured alcohol, although I’ve been told that the bitumen residue may lead to undesirable side-effects .
mount cpu
Metal-ion thermal pastes are also electrically conductive. If you accidentally apply it to your hands and then touch the motherboard, you may cause a fatal short. Therefore, when applying such a compound, keep your hands clean and exercise extreme caution.
Don’t apply too much thermal paste. After pressing the heat sink into the top of the CPU, it will cause the paste to spread out. A little goes a long way. Typically applying a dot the size of a grain of rice is sufficient.
Step three, attach the heat sink:
On stock Intel heat-sink/fans, the push-pin attachment style leaves a great deal to be desired. Optimally, it’s best applied before you screw the motherboard into the PC chassis. If this isn’t an option, you take the risk of damaging your board. Fortunately, many aftermarket Intel HSF use push-pins that actually work. There’s also back plate-equipped alternatives that dispense with the pins mechanism.

