
How to Clean LENOVO Screen

Today everyone has their own computer and of course everyone wants to keep their computer clean. Cleaning LENOVO B575 Screen can be tricky, just like cleaning a window: it is easy to leave marks and sometimes after cleaning it seems like the screen became even dirtier. And no matter how hard you try to clean it, the marks stay. Isn't it annoying? Besides, you need to be careful and not get moisture inside your laptop. In this article we offer you a few extremely helpful tips and tricks on how to clean your computer screen. These methods will work for other devices you may have. Read instructions below to learn more.

There is a plenty of special screen cleaning tools, worst comes to worst, you can bring your machine to a salon where they will clean it for you. If you don't have time or / and money to go to the salon or buy special stuff for cleaning, then this article is for you.

As you already know, there are two types of monitors:

CRT - ones with cathode ray tube;
LCD or liquid crystalline ones.
First you need to think about your computer / monitor safety - the most important thing. So here are some rules you need to follow to keep your screen and laptop safe:

Unplug the computer. Keep an eye on all the wires just to be sure;
CRT screen with a cathode ray tube should be unplugged at least two hours before you clean it. Unplug the screen and the system block itself (just pressing a button is not enough). You are going to need soap for children, lint-free napkins and clean water - 30 degrees (Celsius) or 86 degrees (Fahrenheit).
Now you can start the cleaning process. Be very careful cleaning LCD monitors, as they are easily damaged (to be exact, their liquid-crystal matrix is easily damaged).


Make sure you unplugged computer and monitor is off for at least 2 hours.
Take a napkin / paper towel and wet it in the water (it should be just a little wet, it shouldn't be dripping).
Gently wipe the surface of the screen, don't press too hard.
Wet the other napkin in prepared water and apply a little bit soap to it. Make sure it is a little wet and not dripping.
Carefully wipe the screen with a soapy napkin, work the screen from the top down. Pay attention to the spots, wipe them off.
Take another napkin and wet it in the water.
Carefully wipe the screen with the third napkin and make sure there is no soap left. Pay attention to the corners of the screen, soap can gather there.
Take a new napkin, a dry one. Gently wipe the scree, work from the bottom up.
Carefully look at the screen at the different angles and make sure there are no marks or spots left. If everything looks fine, then consider cleaning the LENOVO B575 Screen almost over. If you still see marks or a little dirt, remove them with a clean dry napkin.
Make sure everything is nice and clean.
Put the soap and napkins back on the shelves where they belong, make sure there is no water on your work desk. Plug in.


Don't get water in your computer. If you do, wait a day before plugging it in, as it should be dry.
Don't forget to unplug it.

